
Sunshine for a cloudy day

My camera is getting fixed right now, so I'm contenting myself with looking over the things that
 God allowed me to see this summer. Aren't his gifts good?




And A While Later....

Hey I'm back!
Over the course of the last few weeks I have:
1. Turned a shocking 20 years (or 2 decades) young!
2. Was in a mime performance at church
3. Drove in a snowstorm for the first time
4. Took my camera to get repaired :(
5. Started a healthy diet (eg. no sugar, corn, potatoes, white flour, or anything fake or processed. The idea is to get back to eating God's food that he called good for us to eat.)
6. Read 6 books
7. Started to be more consistent with bible study and time just to "be" with God. To pour out my heart and innermost feelings and desires before him, so that he can do what he wants with me.
8. Learning to hold life with open hands
9. Started a gratitude journal
10. And I actually got in a paddle boat on a pond! I hate ponds so this was a big thing for me, and I did it!