
Start Afresh...for 100 days.

Isn't that what a new year is for? Starting afresh...
Everything is new again, untouched, it's time to start creating all over again!

I decided to challenge myself for the first 100 days of this year to do 3 personally important things every day to ingrain them into me as a habitual part of my lifestyle. I once read (somewhere, and a long time ago, so if this is wrong tell me!) that it takes about 90 days to make a habit and 30 days to a week to break it. So I'm challenging myself to build some new habits. If you want to challenge yourself with me (since doing something with someone else is much easier than doing it alone) here is a 100 day planner from Ann Voskamp's blog.

SO... here are my three things to do for 100 days. (All rights reserved. You can invent your own ideas.. ;)

1. Spend more time with God each day. This includes praying, reading his word, memorizing scripture, and meditating on him. At least an hour. Every day. This is actually a goal for my whole year, whole life.

2. Take a picture. Just taking a picture of something I'm thankful for every day. Today it was a cowl I made out of this lush, soft, teal yarn named "slubtastic". Can't beat a name like that!

3. Read a little. A chapter or two later and soon I've found that I can finish about 50 books in a year this way. Amazing what a little bit of dedication can do :)

Oh, and I will post on this blog every week the picture that I take. So that actually makes 4 things for a hundred days.

Here's my cowl...

And yes, I did take these using a mirror. 

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